Monday, February 22, 2016

Days 43-46 (Lake Mead, Hoover Dam, the Grand Canyon and Four Corners)

We tried and we tried to leave Las Vegas but every time it was time to go we found and excuse to say. We were finally able to pull up stakes after 11 days there. We packed up and headed to Henderson, just outside of Vegas, for an oil change and then we would be off. The oil change went fine. We found ourselves in a little diner in a road side casino while we waited. We each got the breakfast special, which was eggs hash-browns, bacon and toast plus Averie got a pancake and I got coffee. Our total was $10.22 for everything. Wow! Now I'm learning the secrets to Vegas ;-). Feed them cheap and hope they drop a few coins in the machines (which I did). 

After we were back on the road it wasn't even an hour before we came upon the most spectacular site... A lake in the middle of the desert. It was stunning. Even my kids put down their gadgets to admire it's beauty. When we drove passed the National Park Service sign that sealed the deal. We we're stopping. We toured the visitors center, got our junior ranger and explorer pack materials as usual. We then learned of a scenic route that we could take that led to campgrounds and that sealed the deal that we would stay. 

We drove the route, found the campground, and stayed for two days. I won't detail our stay at the lake but I will offer some pics... The pics say it all. 

We left the lake very reluctantly. I could've stayed another week but I knew we had to move on. We got on highway 93 and witching thirty minutes were soon face to face with the Hoover Dam. Of course we stopped. The Hoover Dam is a spectacle to behold. The manpower and logistics that it took to build it is quite impressive. Seeing it there with our own eyes in all its glory is was even more so. 

We didn't stay long as we were on a mission to make it to the Grand Canyon. We could've made it to the GC that very day if we wouldn't have gotten distracted with the awesomeness of Route 66 in Kingsman, AZ. We certainly got our kicks on Route 66. First at the Powerhouse museum where we were inundated with any and everything we could ever want to know about Route 66 and then across the street at Mr D'z diner where we had hands pun milkshakes and homemade rootbeer right where Oprah Winfrey once was (I mimicked her picture while drinking my own rootbeer lol). After the diner we got started on our route and traveled the old highway all the way to Seligman. 

The sun went down quickly and we stopped for the night an hour outside the GC south rim entrance. 

The next morning we were up and on the road early, eager to knock out tat last hour and see the canyon. 

Where do I even begin when mentioning the Grand Canyon? There truly are no words to describe this seventh wonder of the world, so I won't even try. I'll just fill you in with pictures here. 

We left the Grand Canyon this morning. We took route 64 which was perfect. We got these amazing glimpses of the canyon along the way and had the road to ourselves mostly. It was a very scenic drive and me wonder why anyone would ever drive any other way. 

So let's stop here so  that I can tell you that the Grand Canyon was as far as I got in my planning for this trip. I didn't know where we would head after that. I had remembered Averie mentioning she wanted to see the four corners, where Utah, Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico meet, so we headed in that direction. I got in touch with my friend who lives near there and told her where we were going and they met is there. The monument is on the Navajo reservation and there was a small entrance fee by the but it was worth it. 

After seeing the monument we headed back to my friends house where we parked the RV and hung out with her and her girls until bedtime. It was wonderful seeing our friends and hope to see them more often when we head back this way. 

I don't know where we're off to next but I look forward to telling you all about it. 

Until I see you on the road or somewhere around the globe... Love Life (like the graffiti artist so elegantly tagged on several buildings along highway 180)

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